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dc.contributor.authorTheeramongkol, Praparnporn
dc.descriptionวิทยานิพนธ์ (คศ.ม) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร,2552en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research were 1) the comparison of tie-dye methods; Binding technique, folding technique and stitching technique and 2) three kinds of fabric dyed; cotton, linen, and rayon comparison and 2 pattern design groups; geometrics and naturalistic patterns. There are 8 motifs were used; quadrangle, triangle,circle, heart form, flower, leaf, butterfly, and worm. The research tools were used; The assessment for 15 connoisseurs (connoisseurship model). Data were analyzed by the statistical package for the social science program and using mean, percentage, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square.The result of the study were that binding technique had mean 4.20,the second was stitching technique had mean 4.10 and the last was folding technique had 3.69. The result of the tie-dye technique suitability comparative ranking for massproduct that the best technique is binding. The second was stitching technique and the last was folding technique. In this study, there were comparative in 5 parts as follows 1.tie-dye method 2. pattern design 3. colour of fabric dyed 4. overall image of fabric dyed 5. capability of techniques.Binding technique, folding technique and stitching technique on Cotton were much points in tie-dye method and capability of techniques. Binding technique and stitching technique on Cotton were much points in pattern design and overall image of fabric dyed. Binding technique and stitching technique on Linen were much points in 5 parts. Folding technique on Linen were much points especially in tiedye method and capability of techniques. Binding technique and stitching technique on Rayon were much suitable in 5 parts. Folding technique on Rayon were much especial points in 5 parts except overall image of fabric dyed. Comparison of three kinds of fabric and two pattern groups were that cotton, linen, and rayon fabrics in geometrics and naturalistic patterns had average the best in binding technique. To compare tie-dye techniques and fabrics and pattern groups had different for some parts statistically significant at level of .05en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjecttie-dye techniqueen_US
dc.subjectCotton fabricsen_US
dc.subjectGeometric patternen_US
dc.subjectNatural patternen_US
dc.titleThe Comparative study of tie-dye methods for pattern design development of tie-dye productsen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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