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dc.contributor.authorPakdeekaew, Aphisiken_US
dc.contributor.authorอภิสิทธิ์ ภักดีแก้วen_US
dc.contributor.authorTreeamnuk, Kraweeen_US
dc.contributor.authorกระวี ตรีอำนรรคen_US
dc.contributor.authorTreeamnuk, Tawaraten_US
dc.contributor.authorเทวรัตน์ ตรีอำนรรคen_US
dc.contributor.authorRuttanadech, Nuttapongen_US
dc.contributor.authorณัฐพงศ์ รัตนเดชen_US
dc.descriptionวารสารวิชาการและวิจัย มทร.พระนคร, ปีที่ 16, ฉบับที่ 1 (ม.ค.-มิ.ย 2565), หน้า 69-82en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research proposes an application of resistive and capacitive soil moisture sensors to investigate the influences of paddy temperature on the electrical signal received from sensors when tested with paddy moisture in the range 9.2 - 22.75%wb at 40 - 80ºC to determine the relationship between paddy moisture and electrical signals. It was found that the mean signal values between 20 - 40 seconds from both sensors were inversely linear correlation with the moisture content of the paddy. Temperature is the factors that influence the measured electrical signal. R2, Adjust R2 (95% confidence interval), and RMSEC showed that the model developed from the resistive sensor signals was accurate in calculating the moisture content of paddy between medium to high temperature in range 60 - 80ºC more than the low temperature range. While the capacitive sensor signals model is accurate in calculating paddy moisture between low to medium temperature in range 40 - 60 ºC. Therefore, the resistive soil moisture sensor is possible and more suitable for applying as a paddy moisture sensor in the high temperature drying processes than a capacitor soil moisture sensor.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectMoisture -- Measurementen_US
dc.subjectความชื้น -- การวัดen_US
dc.titleEffect of temperature on electrical resistivity and capacitive signal of various moisture paddyen_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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