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dc.contributor.authorChueaduangkhao, Sittipongen_US
dc.contributor.authorสิทธิพงษ์ เชื้อดวงขาวen_US
dc.descriptionการค้นคว้าอิสระ (วศ.ม.) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2562en_US
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to study the suitable factor level for the improvement of annealing furnace for rolled coils steel sheet. The experimenting has been performed to find suitable oxygen level by 5 annealing furnace experiment. The research has been started by collection the combustion. After that the burning adjustment by changing combustion technology with 5 levels of BGCV control valve open as 23%, 40%, 50%, 75% and 100% has been implemented. The combustion adjustment data are recorded, analyzed and compared with incomplete combustion value. The research result has been found that after improvement the combustion value. The percentage of oxygen level are improved to the better quality which standard at MV0-49% equal 2.5-4 O2% and MV50-100% equal 1.5-2.5 O2% conclusion 1 furnace as follows at the MV23.1%, MV40%, MV50%, MV75% and MV100% level of oxygen as 2.5%, 3%, 3%, 2%, 1.5% and level of carbon monoxide as 0 ppm, 2 ppm, 2 ppm, 2 ppm, and 0 ppm respectively. Resulting of fuel energy consumption in the annealing process has been reduced around 225,608 baht /year/furnace. Therefore, it can depict that energy saving and annealing furnace efficiency improving are increased. The modified parameters will be applied to be the new standard reference values for the further engineer’s operational manual.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectSteel industry and tradeen_US
dc.subjectHeat Treatmenten_US
dc.subjectAnnealing furnaceen_US
dc.subjectCombustion adjustmenten_US
dc.titleA study of the appropriate factor level for improving annealing process of rolled coil steel sheeten_US
dc.typeIndependent Studyen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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