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dc.contributor.authorKaranan, Sirinarten_US
dc.contributor.authorสิรินารถ คะระนันท์en_US
dc.contributor.authorRodmuang, Siriwanen_US
dc.contributor.authorศิริวรรณ รอดม่วงen_US
dc.contributor.authorKongkrashang, Preawphanen_US
dc.contributor.authorแพรวพรรณ กองกะแชงen_US
dc.descriptionโครงงานพิเศษ (วท.บ.) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2561en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research has studied the treatment of municipal wastewater with shoe soles as a supporting media for Sequencing Batch Reactor. The objectives of this research were the conditions to for optimize growing Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB) and understand the treatment efficiencies of municipal wastewater treatment with PSB in Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). Three types of shoe soles were applied in this research composed of rubber shoe soles, neoprene and EVA, and the control without shoe soles. The experimental factors included the essential parameters such as BOD, COD, SS, MLSS, MLVSS, Phosphorus and Ammonia-Nitrogen. F/M Ratio was adjusted at 0.13 and hydraulic retention time (HRT) was at 5 days. The results indicated that the removal efficiencies of SBR with rubber shoe soles in terms of BOD, COD, SS, phosphorus, and ammonia-nitrogen were 87%, 80%, 94%, 53%, and 68%, respectively. The removal efficiencies of SBR with Neoprene shoe soles in terms of BOD, COD, SS, Phosphorus, and Ammonia-Nitrogen were 89%, 81%, 95%, 20%, and 73%. The removal efficiencies of SBR with EVA shoe soles in terms of BOD, COD, SS, phosphorus, and ammonia-nitrogen were 91%, 86%, 95%, 56%, and 74%. The removal efficiencies of SBR without shoe soles in terms of BOD, COD, SS, phosphorus, and ammonia-nitrogen were 84%, 79%, 93%, 86%, and 67%, respectively. The treated wastewater was rather clear, low content of suspended solids, and no malodor. From overall results, the treatment of municipal wastewater by anaerobic sequencing batch reactor with different types of shoe soles was not significant for wastewater treatment efficiencies by anaerobic with any 3 types among of shoes soles can be efficiently applied for municipal wastewater treatment.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectWaste water treatmenten_US
dc.subjectshoe solesen_US
dc.subjectrubber soleen_US
dc.subjectSBR systemen_US
dc.titleTreatment of municipal wastewater by anaerobic sequencing batch reactor with shoe solesen_US
dc.typeStudent Projectsen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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