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dc.contributor.authorเนตรโพธิ์แก้ว, ศุภวุฒิ
dc.contributor.authorทองแก้ว, สมเกียรติ
dc.descriptionThis research studies designing building and set up a wind turbine.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research studies designing building and set up a wind turbine that produce the electric current, for decrease the contamination that is poisonous, be that know that, source of electric energy majority production uses the principle burns fuel is a principle, which, the way aforementioned is building contamination is poisonous, moreover, still have the prediction from a scientist arrives at crude oil amount that is will down in the future, in now a scientist, and an engineer differs to are bound for seek the power resource pays back fuel, by consider good environment with, therefore in this our project has done work education of a wind mill will by have electric power size about 200 watt the religious routine by a wind mill does feeling numb electric charge that wind speed about 3 – 17 the meter builds [ wasp ] second, wind topmost speed that can do feeling numb electricity about 17 the meter builds [wasp] second therefore in installation wind mill will should consider the area to will set up that is appropriate must is place where has wind speed shares 5 – 6 the meter builds [ wasp ] second, by a wind mill will begin feeling numb electric charge will do feeling numb electric charge keeps in, battery,12V (12V/100Ah x 2 child sizes are), by feeling numb electric charge, will have control feeling numb electric charge, when, there are 3-17 wind meter speeds build [wasp] second, but, when, there is wind speed abounds 17 more the meter builds [wasp] second, the group controls feeling numb electric charge, will cut the circuit goes out for protect the equipment within of wind mill group.en_US
dc.subjectWind Turbine Generatoren_US
dc.titleDesign and Construction Wind Turbine Generator 200 Watt Rateden_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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