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dc.contributor.authorลีลากวีวงศ์, วันชัย
dc.contributor.authorโฆษิตชัยมงคล, สุชุม
dc.contributor.authorภูผา, วัลลภ
dc.contributor.authorเฉลิมศรีเมือง, ตรีสุคนธ์
dc.contributor.authorแก้วอุดร, ศุภกาญจน์
dc.descriptionThe main objective of this research has to study the production process and the production development of a community business.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research has to study the production process and the production development of a community business. In the case of Bansaphatana network enterprise study in the part of products form and duty function for increase the product value and response to customer demand by using the application of engineering value plans in seven(7) steps of A.E.Mudge. This in proceeding implementation was beginning from 1) do the data collects and data analyses by prominent point comparison (strength and weakness point of product) the defect of clothes hanger each kind products in each. 2) Use engineering worth technique in 3) analysis’s brainstorm 4) assess for seeking the trend to increase product value of anti-insect cloth hanger. Which the result get from this research has done products development and the procedure produce form as distinctly divided into male and female, a way to create product identity and enhance usability duty of the clothes hanger. It could be usage the hang clothes in diverse way such as trousers, skirt, one stripe blouse, etc., It’s build hook product, there’s strength, durability. From the result’s assessment compares with before and after the conduct of this research found that total investment increased from 15.93 baht to 20.93 baht Which compose the costs of raw materials from 11.93 baht to 14.43 baht and labor capital increases from 4.00 baht to 6.50 baht. While wholesale price increased from 30 baht to 45 baht thus make the profit increases from 9.07 baht to 14.07 baht per piece, Can be think the difference profit rate of the products, 1 piece be 10.28%.en_US
dc.subjectDevelopment producten_US
dc.subjectValue engineeringen_US
dc.subjectAnti–insect Cloth Hangeren_US
dc.titleA Study value added for increase valued the Anti–insect Cloth Hanger Product Cast Study : Bansaphatana Group Clusteren_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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