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dc.contributor.authorWaiyawoot, Wanapan
dc.descriptionThis present, there are widely use robot in many fields. Mobile robot can help us in several task, such as moving to toxic area, risk area or explosion area, mine. Movement control can be used in many ways.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn present, there are widely use robot in many fields. Mobile robot can help us in several task, such as moving to toxic area, risk area or explosion area, mine. Movement control can be used in many ways. This paper proposed mobile robot that move by wheels. It move to previous defined picture. By using small camera process an images and check it that is the previous one by using neural network. If it is, robot will move toward to that picture. The movement is in flat plane. If that defined picture is not in center, robot will move to left or right depend on its position until it is on center. This paper proposed image processing only.en_US
dc.subjectImage processingen_US
dc.subjectMobile roboten_US
dc.subjectneural networken_US
dc.titleA Designed Object Tracked by Mobile Robot using Image Processingen_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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