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dc.contributor.authorWaiyawoot, Wanapan
dc.descriptionThis article presents a design and development of a low rate wireless sensor network coordinator controller. Wireless sensor networks are cheap and comprised of a small fully autonomous processing, communication and sensing devices.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article presents a design and development of a low rate wireless sensor network coordinator controller. Wireless sensor networks are cheap and comprised of a small fully autonomous processing, communication and sensing devices. In this study develops the system for monitoring and flood warning. This research used small embedded micro controller. The system can expand into multi network and work with single processor. This design will reduce components and power assumption. The research use Propeller Chip by Parrallax Inc. This chip contains eight processors inside. All eight processors can perform tasks simultaneously or with coordination from other processors. A designed of system works together with wireless sensor networks. The first step of the experiment is creating main node and sub node in flooding area and finds transmission of data between them. Experimental results show that we can use single microcontroller work with multi-network. It can monitor result of network directly from Propeller chip by generating computer monitor signal.en_US
dc.subjectsensor networken_US
dc.subjectPropeller chipen_US
dc.subjectmonitoring and flood warning systemen_US
dc.titleA Design of Flood Monitoring System with Low Rate Wireless Sensor Network Coordinator with Multi-Network Using Single Processoren_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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