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dc.contributor.authorSongthong, Somprasong
dc.contributor.authorPalivanich, Nuankae
dc.identifier.citationThe First RMUTP International Conferenceen_US
dc.descriptionThai local folk-weaving, there are all regions in Thailand, is one of the essential factors for life in progress with Human civilization. Patterns which are present on fabric, show that the individual and culture. Changing period comes to be a part of economy and social, was affect to lifestyle, cultural and folk’s belief of man. The effect of changing is the way of folk handiwork that have to adjust become modernization.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study was to examine the opinions toward 5 products made of local folk material, Paihoochang Banglen district, Nakhon Pathom Province which were facial tissue boxes, hanging hand towels, bolster cushions, bags, tablecloths and to study the basic background of the customers who appreciated with handicraft. The research considered the styles, sizes, practical uses and attractiveness on different products. The 200 evaluators were accidentally sample from those interested in model handicraft presented in 4 department stores of Nakhon Pathom. The statistic analysis was done by using the computer program. The finding indicated that most of the evaluators were female who were about 31 – 40 years of age, single and graduated in Bachelor degree level. Their occupations were running private business with over 20,000 baht income per month. The purpose for buying products was the souvenirs. The motivation for buying was the practical use. The result of customer satisfaction affected handicraft product from local folk weaving showed that the average highest satisfaction in styles of product was the hanging hand towels B. The satisfaction of sizes of product showed the average highest were the hanging hand towels A, B. The satisfaction of practical use of product showed the average highest was the hanging hand towels A.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectlocal folk-weaving materialen_US
dc.titleThe Development for Product of Local Folk-weaving Material by the Weaving Group of Paihoochang Banglen, District, Nakhon Pathom Provinceen_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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