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dc.contributor.authorดีบุญโน, สมพิศ
dc.contributor.authorคำพุฒ, ประชุม
dc.contributor.authorสุวีโร, กิตติพงษ์
dc.identifier.citationRMUTP Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2008en_US
dc.descriptionFeasibility Study of the enhancing of the color removal efficiency in wastewater using aluminium sulphate with burned husk as a core coagulant in the coagulation process is investigated.en_US
dc.description.abstractFeasibility Study of the enhancing of the color removal efficiency in wastewater using aluminium sulphate with burned husk as a core coagulant in the coagulation process is investigated. The compositions of wastewater from traditional alcoholic beverage factory are given as follows: pH of 4.15-4.24, suspended solids of 204-300 mg/l, COD of 4,761-5,644 mg/l, color intensity of 21.05-35.90 S.U. and turbidity of 166-197 NTU. The experimental results revealed that using aluminium sulplate at concentration 0.4 g/l with burned husk sieve number 100 mesh at 2.2 g/l and aluminium sulphate at 0.5 g/l together with burned husk of size 200 mesh at 2.6 g/l can enhance the efficiency of color removal in wastewater. The color removal efficiencies were at 83.06% and 86.00%, respectively.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectCoagulation processen_US
dc.subjectBurned husken_US
dc.subjectColor intensityen_US
dc.subjectAluminium sulphateen_US
dc.titleColor Removal in Wastewater form Traditional Alcoholic Beverage Factory by Chemical Process : Using Aluminium Sulphate with Burned Husken_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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