Browsing Faculty of Industrial Textiles and Fashion Design by Author "[email protected]"
Now showing items 1-20 of 145
Accessories Designing from Embroiled Thread
Yanwiroj, Kanyuma; Klaichoi, Jaroon (2014-06-26)This study was an aim to apply lacing technique to produce yarn accessories for value added and developing the new products. It was a survey research by questionnaires tool. The study was divided into 2 steps. The first ... -
Adjustable industrial sewing machine chair
Pommuang, Supansa; สุพรรษา ป้อมเมือง; Vichitpan, Siranattha; ศิรณัฏฐา วิชิต; Boonyai, Fuangfa; เฟื่องฟ้า บุญใหญ่ (2020-09-08)The purpose of this project was to develop a chair for industrial sewing machines to suit the physiology of industrial machine users. And to study the satisfaction of industrial sewing machine users with adjustable chairs. ... -
Autoclave development for using in natural dyes extraction and dyeing process under project plan textiles knowledge management for researching and local wisdom conservation: a case study of karen woven fabric
Luepong, Kanchana; Santhongkaew, Payoon; Phatarathanakulchai, Phatravudth (2014-06-26)This research had an aim to develop an autoclave for using in natural dyes extraction and dyeing process. The autoclave used the stainless steel as the major material what it was a noble durable material and good resistance ... -
Bachelor faculty ofIndustry textile and fashion design Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon with Life Long Education Career
Sa-nguanduan, Somsak; Boonsak, Prissana (2010-08-26)Undergraduate educational management of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon has mission point to science and technology vocational based on quality professional workers. Applied technologies on the engineering ... -
Case study: the pet dog pattern of his majesty king rama the 9th to embroidery design on the product
Pumchan, Sunita; สุนิตา พุ่มจันทร์ (2020-09-08)This project was to case study: the pet dog pattern of His Majesty King Rama the 9th to embroidery design on the product. The purpose of this project was to study the pattern technique from 10 needles of single head ... -
Clothing design for gentleman wear under concept of lohaprasada stucture
Silakit, Nutkamon (2018-11-08)The project was clothing design for gentleman wear under concept of lohaprasada Structure that purposed for studied and designed of gentleman’s wear costumes by Concept design from lohaprasada structure. directed lohaprasada ... -
Clothing design that beauty reflect wisdom of Preawa silk
Ponata, Thitiwan; ฐิติวรรณ โพนะทา; Yingjamroen, Atitaya; อาทิตยา ยิ่งจำเริญ (2021-10-05)This thesis fashion is intended to study the development of a apparel model that reflects the beauty of wisdom. Silk cloth by study of patterns and Yotkan, woven silk weaving to develop a ladies style costume. By bringing ... -
Cooling water recovery from water distillation
Sasithorn, Nongnut; Luepong, Kanchana; Padungtos, Wiroj (2010-08-07)Cooling water recovery from water distillation equipment was a research that has the objective to restore the cooling water from distillation equipment, which installed at textile chemistry technology department laboratory ... -
The costume creative design and accesssory creative design green eco innovation for Asian Community
Phaisarntantiwong, Naruepon; Suwanakeree, Sampas (2018-08-09)In the research on “The Costume Creative Design and Accessory Creative Design Green Eco Innovation for Asian Community”, the purpose of the study was to create the product design on the costumes and accessories for ... -
The costume design Avant-Garde style by development to actuall wesable
Keatisupamongkol, Visit (2018-10-01)The costume design Avant-Garde style by development to actually wesable aims to study and adapt basic concepts of Avant- Garde costume design in order to develop and apply for developing a unique, outstanding and fashionable ... -
The costume design for ladies in business party from was insired by the uniform of fencing
Thewprateep, Duangkamon (2018-10-01)This project has objectivefor study style Fencing Sportswear, and for studytype of lady costume, type of business party. Population foe study is Fencing sportswear use in competition of Thailand open 2013.Sample group ... -
Costume design for ladies to wear by the concept of nang yai shadow puppet drama at wat khanon temple in ratchaburi province’s design
Sueadonkloi, Wisarut (2018-10-01)This project was Costume Design for Ladies to Wear by the Concept of Nang Yai Shadow Puppet Drama At Wat Khanon Temple Ratchaburi Province is purposed for studied and designed of ladies’s wear costumes by concept design ... -
The costume design for women have been Inspired from the clothes of the Amish
Thammachot, Sumittra (2018-10-01)This project has objective for study lady costume, Inspiration for Amish dress design it modern and express to condition of costume. Bringing Amish simple costume and manufacture adapt, combination in design, therefore ... -
The costume design project for women in semi couture Inspired by the arts of ice carving sculpture
Kittisitthipong, Siriluk (2018-10-01)The costume design project for women in semi couture, inspired by the art of ice carving sculpture, aims at studying the pattern of color and texture of the ice sculptures. The models that we use as objects of study for ... -
The costume design project inspired from parallel universe
Taengjun, Sanhanat (2018-10-01)The purpose of the project is to design a collection which is inspired from Parallel Universe, and to study about the aesthetic to crate Wabi Sabi art in Chanoyu for design clothes which is reduced the over-detail expose ... -
Costume design project inspired from the algorithm architecture of michael handsmayer
Rachatakulporn, Palida; ปาลิดา รชตกุลภรณ์ (2018-10-01)The purpose of the project is to study about the structure and details of Algorithm architecture of Michael Handsmayer by using details, texture and appearance of dominant features to created details on clothes such as ... -
The costume design That reflects the indentity of The third gender inspired by Lady Gaga
Sanson, Nuttapong; ณัฐพงษ์ แสนสนธิ์; Songteh, Nattira; นัทธีรา ทรงเต๊ะ (2021-10-05)Costume fashion design thesis that reflect the character of LGBTQ from Lady Gaga's inspiration aims to study the type of concept , type of structure, decoration technique of costume and emotional scene in the music video ... -
The costume design women Business party Dress from Architecture Sino-portoguese
Teerakhawongsakul, Nanthaporn (2018-09-28)The purposes of Design Project of Business Party Costume for Women inspired by Sino- Portuguese architecture are to study Sino-Portuguese architectural structures in Phuket, to study costume design works in 2011-2012 and ... -
Cotton fabrics printing with colorants from mangosteen rind
Chanalak, Apisit; อภิสิทธิ์ ชนาลักษณ์; Siritai, Suphatthar; สุภัทรา ศิริทัย (2021-10-05)This research was concerned a printing on cotton fabrics with dye powder from mangosteen rind. In this study, the dye powder was composed of dye’ s solution extracted from mangosteen rind and maltodextrin 15 % . The dye ... -
Creativewear design inspired by lestegodon
Chimthab, Oangkhana; อังคณา ฉิมทับ; Phoongern, Suwasan; สุวสันต์ ภู่เงิน (2021-10-05)Fashion Thesis Creative design set inspired by Lestegodon caves. the study aimed at the layout and texture characteristics of the Stalactites and stalagmites, Stegodon elephants and fossils, and to design creative sets ...