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dc.contributor.authorKlangthong, Sutthamonen_US
dc.contributor.authorศุทธมน คลังทองen_US
dc.descriptionการค้นคว้าอิสระ (คศ.ม.) -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2558en_US
dc.description.abstractObjectives of this research were to study the consumption knowledge level and consumption behavior towards Western fast food among pregnant teenagers. The case study was conducted at Rayong Hospital. This is a survey research and questionnaires were applied for compiling data from 143 pregnant teens who received prenatal care at the Rayong Hospital in Rayong Province between October and December, 2014. Efficiency test results on questionairs about 12 items of knowledge, the reliability (r) was 0.715. The percentage and frequency were employed for data analysis. The findings indicated that : 1) 54.55 % of samples had knowledge of Western fast food consumption at very good level and 40.56 % at the good level. Two items with most correct answers were questions about the suitable amount of fat and suitable amount of carbohydrate taken from rice, grains and bread per meal accounting for 96.50 and 95.10 percent respectively. Meanwhile, two items with incorrect answers were questions about Western fast food can be consumed unlimited during period of gestation and Western fast food consumption will cause pregnant teens risky to Pre-eclampsia accounting for 50.35 and 32.87 percent respectively. 2) Western fast food consumption behavior of samples, it was found that hamburgers were the most popular food accounting for 27.97 percent. Frequency of consumption was 4-5 times per week. Expenses paid for each meal ranged from 101-200 Bahts. Swensen’s ice-cream shop was the most favorite place and the taste of the food was the top reason.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectPregnant Teenagersen_US
dc.titleWestern Fast Food Knowledge and Consumption Behavior of Pregnant Teenagers : Case Study, Rayong Hospitalen_US
dc.title.alternativeความรู้และพฤติกรรมการบริโภคอาหารฟาสต์ฟู้ดแบบตะวันตก ของหญิงวัยรุ่นตั้งครรภ์ กรณี ศึกษาโรงพยาบาลระยองen_US
dc.typeIndependent Studyen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US

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