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dc.contributor.authorอูปแก้ว, บรรจง
dc.contributor.authorชัยวรรณ, วัชราภรณ์
dc.contributor.authorธนะวัติ, สำอาง
dc.descriptionวารสารวิชาการและวิจัย มทร.พระนคร, ฉบับพิเศษ : 74-85en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to study the history of a cultural architecture resources and environment in the local community. The history that found was used to be information to find the development of potentiality of cultural tourism, to carry on the cultural activity which related to the local community, to encourage local people to beneficially manage the resources, and to accommodate the tourism in Nan local government. All of these operations were focused on the cooperation of monks and local people by debating. This study collected data by using random survey questionnaire of local people, tourists and tour guides. Moreover, the interview of local instructors, local people and other people was also used in this study. The development of the potentiality of cultural tourism at Wat Satharot still need help from government by adding a streetcar park at Wat Satharot, and promoting a tourist attractions in variety of advertisement. The local people combine in to community to manage the tourism. For tour guides and tourists, they need some souvenir shop, and antique and beautiful sightseeing.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjecta cultural tourismen_US
dc.subjecta cultural architecture resourcesen_US
dc.subjectlocal instructorsen_US
dc.titleThe development of the potentiality of cultural tourism at wat satharot, muangnandistrict, nan provinceen_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthorbunjong_19 @hotmail.comen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]

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