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dc.contributor.authorคงจันทร์, เฉลิมพล
dc.contributor.authorคงจันทร์, จันทิมา
dc.contributor.authorศันสณีย์, ศันสณีย์
dc.contributor.authorแป้นแก้ว, จิราภรณ์
dc.contributor.authorสุขเต็ม, พรรณัฎฎา
dc.contributor.authorศาลาผาย, ทัศวรรณ
dc.descriptionวารสารวิชาการและวิจัย มทร.พระนคร, ฉบับพิเศษ : 20-27en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research were as follows : 1) to construct and find an efficiency of classroom action research on academic work development for teachers in Surin province as the 80/80 standardized criterion efficiency 2)to find the effectiveness index of classroom action research on academic work development for teachers in surin province 3)to compare pre-test scores and post-test score all lessons 4)to study the satisfaction of teachers after they join the class 5)to find the retention of the teachers after join the class in two weeks. The sixty teachers were area or simple random sampling selected from teachers on surin province this research conducted duringthe first semester, academic year 2011-2012. 1) An efficiency of classroom action research on academic work development for teachers is surin province was 82.19/81.92 which higher than the 80/80 standardized criterion efficiency.2) The effectiveness index of classroom action research on academic work development for teachers in surin province was 0.7145.3) The results of the comparisons of pre-test scores and post-test scores all lessons were significantly different at 0.05.4)The results of the satisfaction of teachers among a classroom action research on academic work development for teachers among a classroom action research on academic work development for teachers in surin province was found to be a high Level(x=4.27).5) The retention of the teachers after join the class in two week was no significantly different at 0.05.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhonen_US
dc.subjectBody of knowledge Transferen_US
dc.subjectClassroom Action Researchen_US
dc.subjectAcademic Work Developmenten_US
dc.titleA body of knowledge transfer classroom action research on academic work development for teachers in surin provinceen_US
dc.typeJournal Articlesen_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]
dc.contributor.emailauthor[email protected]
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